Strategic advisory for cutting-edge companies

We provide strategic advisory services for cutting-edge companies that solve global challenges in human health, the way we live, and the sustainability of our planet.

Our focus

We provide strategic advisory for business development and commercialization, capital raise advisory, M&A advisory, and investor relations.

Climate change

The world is facing the most pressing environmental crisis in human history. Innovators worldwide strive for breakthrough solutions, but their success depends on securing capital. Most climate technology companies are asset-heavy and need to explore alternative structures and sources of capital to finance first-of-a-kind projects. We help companies explore and value different financing and partnership options to commercialize and grow projects and solutions.
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Life Sciences

The growing understanding of the genome, coupled with decreased computational costs and developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning, offers an unprecedented opportunity for rapid scientific advancements in Life Sciences. These developments enable the improvement of human health with life-saving therapies, increased food production and nutritional value of foods, environmental sustainability, and industrial applications.
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Technology as made possible much of the modern civilization. New technologies can make life easier, improve education, increase efficiency of systems, improve communication and solve hard problems. We support companies that develop new technologies to promote positive changes in our society and lives.
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We offer premium bespoke capital raise and strategic advisory services. We only accept a small number of clients at any one time, so we can offer near-exclusive dedication to your project. 

Capital Raise

Advisory on different structures of private capital to support companies' growth across various stages of their lifecycle.

Strategic and M&A advisory

Bestspoken independent advice strategies to grow our client's businesses, international expansion into the US and M&A transactions.

Why Minewell

We help companies define their best strategy for growth and success.

Tailored Approach

We help companies access and compare dilutive, non-dilutive, and strategic forms of capital.

Extensive Network

We have a powerful network of strategic partners in the US, Europe and LatAm.

Operating Expertise

Our background is not only in business and finance but also in engineering and operations.

Long-Term Alignment

Our long-term view is supported by our fee structure which can be partly received in equity.

About Minewell

We are a female-led team of Finance Professionals with experience at Prestigious Banks and Corporations, working across various industries and continents.

Our company culture is characterized by honesty, efficiency, openness, and inclusion, and we all share the same mission to improve people’s lives and the sustainability of our planet.

We are a small team that only advises companies with missions aligned with ours. Our full commitment is demonstrated in our dedication, the quality of our services, and our fees, which are partially charged in equity.